Jeff Bridges may have been unfairly passed over as this year’s inductee into the Celebrity Bowling Hall of Fame. But that clearly did not dampen any of his Dude enthusiasm, as he and several of his “Big Lebowski” co-stars gathered in New York last night for a “Lebowski” reunion.
Naturally, this event — which included a sold-out Q&A with Bridges, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, John Goodman, John Turturro and music supervisor T-Bone Burnett — was promotional in nature, a celebration of the Blu-ray release of “Lebowski” released earlier this week. (By writing this blog post, I believe I am contractually obligated to pass on the information that said Blu-ray will, indeed, tie your whole room together.)
Aside from hawking DVDs, though, the occasion provided an excuse for Bridges and co. to mug for photos, which you can see in the gallery above. The many fans of the Coen brothers movie may also appreciate the opportunity to watch the Q&A, which will continue to be available for the next week via the Livestream embed that appears after the jump. An truncated, three-minute video of the event also has been embedded below, for all your Dude and Donny needs.
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